venerdì 4 marzo 2011

New Project

Time for a little on what's going to happen in April  2011 we are about to open a new adventure together, Fiorella and Borjana in the Val D'Ocia and the Crete Senese which are in the heart of Tuscany and a visit really is a must, whether just for one night or for more. We specialize in enhancing your stay by opening up your senses to the foods, wines and culture with our entertaining activities in and around this region.
If you feel like getting out of the city, the countryside  in Tuscany offers everything from delicious foods like Truffles, Oils and Wines, to Historical Abbeys dating back to the dark middle ages, Castles of noble families, quaint hilltop villages, and a beautiful countryside from the rolling hills of the Crete Sense to Chianti.